Private API

If our WebApp doesn't cover all your needs and you require a more direct approach, we've got you covered. Using our Private API routes, you can get more specific data, customize it according to your needs, or even automate the process. Regardless of your use case, the API can help you.

To use the API, you need special software. For the rest of this page, we'll be using Postman, but you can use any other software capable of making API requests.


First of all, we need to login into Installer Analytics. This step is mandatory for further action, so let's dive in.

We need to make a POST request on the following route:

This request must contain your login credentials in its body. It has the following structure:

  "email": "YOUR_EMAIL",
  "password": "YOUR_PASSWORD",
  "remember": true

You must change YOUR_EMAIL and YOUR_PASSWORD with the email address and password corresponding to your Installer Analytics account.

Postman - Log In
Postman - Log In

After a successful login operation, you will receive a 200 OK code and a response with the generated jwt. You should save this jwt as it represents the authentication proof, and you will use it for all further operations.

Postman - Successful Log In
Postman - Successful Log In

Using the jwt

As said above, to access our API routes, you need to be authenticated. Thus, we'll use the generated jwt in the Authorization tab as Bearer Token.

Postman - Authorization
Postman - Authorization
Private API Routes

See which API routes are available for each Installer Analytics view

Private API Filter

Filter the results from the available API routes

Private API Examples

See some examples or use cases for the Private API routes