Custom Properties - Software Tracking

On this page, we'll learn how to track installed software from your clients' machines using Installer Analytics.

First, we'll need an Advanced Installer project. You can open your existing project or create a new one. You can always follow a tutorial like this one if you're new to Advanced Installer.

Second, we need to identify the app(s) that we want to track and locate it/them using searches; for this example, we're going to track 7-Zip x64

  • We need to go to the 'Search' view and add a 'New Extended Search' that will check if a certain 'Registry value exists', naming it SEVEN_ZIP since properties cannot start with a digit
    Custom Properties - Search view with registry extended search
    Search view with registry extended search
  • Now, we need to add the HKCU\Software\7-Zip\Path64 path in 'Registry value'; this is where 7-Zip stores its path after installation
    Custom Properties - Search view with registry search
    Search View with registry search
  • We need to add another 'New Extended Search', only this time it will check and retrieve the 'File Version', naming it SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION
    Custom Properties - Search view with file version extended search
    Search view with file version extended search
  • Now, we need to add the [ProgramFiles64Folder]7-Zip\7zFM.exe path in 'File to find'; this is where 7-Zip stores its files by default after installation
    Custom Properties - Search view with file version search
    Search View with file version search
  • docsPlease note that this one will only work if your customer installs 7-Zip in its default location. Changing the path will make the version check fail.

Third, we'll need to enable the Installer Analytics tracking for that project. If you're unfamiliar with this step, you can follow this link to guide you step by step.

Fourth, and this is the most crucial part, we need to add the properties associated with the searches into the Installer Analytics view of our project. In our case, the properties are SEVEN_ZIP and SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION. To do so, we need to:

  1. Navigate to the Installer Analytics view from your Advanced Installer project
    Custom Properties - Installer Analytics View
    Installer Analytics View
  2. In the 'Report Installation Data' section, you'll see the Custom Properties table
    Custom Properties - Table
    Custom Properties Table
  3. Press 'Add' in order to open the 'Select a Property' picker
    Custom Properties - Property Picker
    Select a Property picker
  4. Enter 'SEVEN_ZIP' and press 'OK'
    Custom Properties - SEVEN_ZIP
    SEVEN_ZIP property
  5. Enter 'SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION' and press 'OK'
    Custom Properties - SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION
    SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION property
  6. It should look like this
    Custom Properties - SEVEN_ZIP and SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION properties in AI
    SEVEN_ZIP and SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION properties in AI

Fourth, we need to save, build the project, and finally release the installer to your customers. Once these have been done, your clients will start installing your product, and Installer Analytics WebApp will show the tracking data.

Custom Properties - SEVEN_ZIP and SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION in WebApp
SEVEN_ZIP and SEVEN_ZIP_VERSION properties reported in the WebApp

Note: You can also test the tracking yourself before releasing it to ensure that everything was configured correctly. If you plan to do so, please use the Only Filtered IPs option, as your IP might be already placed in the exclusion list from the App Settings view in the 'IP Filter' section.

docsPlease note that you can use the example above for any software. You can track it using the method above if you know how to identify its location.